Friday, September 23, 2011

Biking to Germany, and Tilting at Windmills

This entry of necessity must be very short. It is 12:05 and we leave for Amsterdam very early tomorrow morning. Needless to say I will be sleeping on the bus.

Proof that we made it to Germany
Today I biked to Germany, how often does one get the chance to say that? After class, we biked to Germany, and made it back to Well in time for dinner. We knew which direction to head, and judging by the various maps on the bike trail we made it to Germany, but we're not really sure when we crossed the border, and it looked like we went parallel to the border for a while. After one of the guys was convinced we were in Germany we came to a map that showed we were near the border on the NL side.

When we reached the windmills we were very uncertain of our location, but timing was such that we thought we should head back. However there was a steepled church we could see off to the left, and we had passed a road that headed left to we took it and arrived at the sign and map. We were in Germany. (The windmills might have still been in the NL).
We probably were still in NL

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